A clean home is one that allows those who live within to feel at peace and relaxed. When most people think of a clean home, they imagine no clutter, floors that are vacuumed or mopped, and dishes not in the sink. Sometimes it is the small details, however, that make a home go from looking ordinary to extraordinary. Cleaning the baseboards is one such detail that will leave your friends feeling inspired after they visit.…
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Hardwood floors may be exceptionally beautiful, but did you know they can also harbor mold and mildew? Hardwood floors have many areas that can become moist, especially if there are leaks or other moisture issues. Over time, hardwood floors may have mold build up beneath them – and even though you cannot see this mold, it may still be affecting your family’s health. Here are four ways to identify possible mold problem.…
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When your windows are cloudy, they can make your whole world look dirty and dull. If you’re tired of seeing the outside through dirt and grime, you can use these simple solutions to keep your windows crystal clear.
Cloudy Film
As your windows age, they can develop a cloudy film that’s tough to get rid of. This cleaning solution will help you cut through the film and bring back the shine.…
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