maintaining a healthy home

How To Get Your House Clean And Organized Before A Big Event

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If you have a major party coming up at your home in a few months and are worried because your house is out of control, now might be a good time to look for a company that offers cleaning services. Not only will a cleaning company clean your house for you, but some of these companies also offer organizational services too, and this might be exactly what you need. What are organizational services?…

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Nontoxic Home-Made Carpet Cleaners

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The “danger” and “caution” labels on commercial carpet cleaning shampoos should have you worried. Frequent exposure to the chemicals in carpet cleaners can have severe health consequences. These chemicals also harm the environment. If you are looking for an alternative to commercial carpet cleaners, you will be delighted to note that you can prepare your own cleaners with ingredients that you already have at home. These cleaners are effective, cheap and safe for use.…

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5 Tips for Getting the Most from Your Cleaning Service When You Have Young Kids

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Keeping a clean house with young children is difficult, and it can become even harder when you add a newborn baby to the mix. A cleaning service can help you keep everything in order until you’re sleeping through the night again. Whether you schedule weekly service cleanings, or just hire one for a monthly deep clean, these tips can help you get the most out of the extra help. Tip #1: Clear the Clutter…

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