maintaining a healthy home

Hoarding Services And What To Expect When You Need It

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Hoarding is considered to be a mental disorder that can cause people to save or keep large numbers of items. Hoarding becomes an issue when hygiene and health or wellbeing are forgotten or taken over by the hoarding compulsion. In these cases, people may find themselves or their loved ones in living situations that are unsafe and unsanitary. In these cases, you may find yourself calling a hoarding cleanup service. Here are some of the things to expect when you do need and call for these services.…

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3 Benefits Of Keeping Your House Clean

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Having a clean house is essential for your overall physical and mental health. There are many benefits beyond things looking nice that a clean home provides you with. Benefit #1: Stop Feeling Anxious If you ever feel anxious when you are at home, the clutter in your home may contribute to your feelings of anxiety. A cluttered home can make you feel more worried and anxious. Clutter can increase your stress levels.…

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Burst a Pipe or Endured a Recent Thunderstorm Flood? You Need Professional Help to Clean It Up

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While water is not generally seen as being as threatening as, say, a fire, it can be far more insidious if you don’t clean it up properly. While fire damage is instantaneous and then it is done and you can begin the process of fixing singed timber and removing burnt belongings, water damage can be far more long-lasting if you aren’t careful. It is not just the immediate aftermath of the water that is dangerous.…

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